
What is mobile app analytics?

Jul 24, 2024

The cold hard truth is that most apps fail to retain their users. The average mobile app loses 77% of daily active users within 3 days of installation. That’s a brutal reality — but also a huge opportunity for those teams willing to put in the legwork to differentiate themselves by creating optimized, personalized experiences that keep users coming back for more.

Building truly sticky apps requires a deep understanding of your users’ behavior, pain points, and preferences. The best way to do this is with effective mobile app analytics that give you visibility into where users get stuck or frustrated, which features they love, and whether they’re getting full value.

In-app analytics are crucial. But users’ journeys with your app span multiple channels and touchpoints. To effectively optimize activation, engagement and retention, you need unified visibility across product behavior, marketing campaign data, support tickets, and more. That’s why, according to Gartner’s research, a major mobile app analytics trend is teams looking for integrated insights into customer journeys, sales and CRM data, and business context to enrich product usage data.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about mobile app analytics, including this holistic, integrated approach. We’ll give you all the insights you need to gain a 360-degree view of your users, unlock the full potential of your app, and drive sustainable growth by improving user engagement and retention.

Contact us to learn how NetSpring can empower your team with unified analytics that optimize your user experience, end to end.

What is mobile app analytics?

Mobile app analytics refers to the entire process of collecting, measuring, and analyzing data about how users interact with and experience your mobile product. It provides a window into every tap, swipe, and micro-behavior occurring within your app’s environment, including app launches, screen views, button clicks, transactions, crashes, and any custom actions you define. And if you’re using the right behavioral analytics tools, you can connect these usage insights with other user data from marketing, sales, support systems, and more.

Mobile app analytics is your path to getting critical insights into user behavior patterns and engagement metrics. That’s the first step to pinpointing areas of friction within your app, identifying the “aha” moments driving activation and retention, and ultimately optimizing your user experience for sustainable growth.

The main types of mobile app analytics include:

  • Monitoring app metrics — Tracking key metrics like daily/monthly active users, stickiness/retention rates, average session lengths, app load times, crash rates, and other core app health indicators gives you a vital pulse on your app’s overall performance and stability.
  • Cohort analysis — Grouping segments of users who share traits like acquisition campaign, geolocation, app version, or subscription tier will let you analyze and identify high-value user personas and their unique engagement patterns and retention behaviors over time.
  • Funnel analysis — Mobile apps live and die by their ability to keep users progressing through critical conversion paths like onboarding, upgrades, and purchases. Funnel visualizations map these flows step-by-step, highlighting drop-offs, average completion times, and the actions driving successful navigation.
  • Session replays — Recording entire user sessions lets you witness first-hand any points of confusion, struggle, or frustration through signals like rage-clicking, excessive tapping, or long hovers over unclear UI elements.
  • Voice of Customer analytics — Qualitative VoC analytics surfaces patterns in data from in-app surveys, user feedback, customer ratings, and support tickets, providing vital context into the “why” behind your users’ behavior.
  • Predictive analytics — Using machine learning models, you can identify users at risk of churning and optimize growth by determining which high-value behaviors predict activation, conversion, and monetization.
  • Customer journey analytics — Mobile app usage is just one piece of a much larger user experience puzzle. By integrating your app analytics data with other sources like marketing campaign engagement, website behavior trails, support tickets, backend transactions, and wider business context, you can reconstruct and analyze your users’ complete journey. The best way to do that is by using analytics tools that work directly off your data warehouse as a single source of truth.

Mobile app analytics has become essential table stakes for growth-focused product and data teams. With user acquisition costs soaring and the bar for experience quality rising constantly, you’ll need to combine analytics types for full, granular visibility that ensures your app doesn’t just acquire users — but also retains them by continuously optimizing their journeys.

Why analytics for mobile are key for data-driven growth

Sustainable, product-led growth hinges on delivering exceptional user experiences tailored to your customers’ evolving needs and preferences — and mobile app analytics lets you make data-driven decisions that help with:

1. Boosting user retention and reducing churn

By analyzing retention cohorts and behavioral patterns over time, you can pinpoint reasons for churn and refine experiences to keep users engaged long-term. That might mean getting ahead of churn risks — like extended periods of inactivity — with re-engagement campaigns.

2. Increasing daily/monthly active users (DAU/MAU) and audience activation

Mobile app analytics lets you identify and optimize the user flows and “aha” moments driving sustained app usage and activating your audiences, leading to higher DAU/MAU metrics. For example, a media app could use mobile app analytics to identify that readers who enable customized newsfeeds have 40% higher monthly active usage — and use these insights to promote customization options and improve the newsfeed UX.

3. Driving feature adoption

Measuring new feature adoption and modeling the workflows and behaviors that indicate active feature usage lets you keep optimizing new capabilities and roll-outs.

4. Boosting conversions

Mobile app analytics can help you visualize every step users take through critical paths like account creation, checkout, or subscription upgrades so you can identify drop-off points and streamline their experience to boost conversions.

5. Increasing customer lifetime value (LTV)

Combining usage and in-app purchase analytics with other customer revenue data lets you identify high-value user segments so you can understand exactly which actions correlate with higher LTV and maximize monetization. Let’s say you find that users who make their first in-app purchase within 3 days have 4X higher LTV — that’s a good signal to optimize new user experiences and onboarding to drive purchases within this crucial window.

6. Building an informed product roadmap

Mobile app analytics provides the quantitative and qualitative insights you need to validate product ideas, run experiments, and prioritize your roadmap based on what delivers the highest engagement and value.

7. Improving customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores

By giving you the data you need to remove pain points, deliver proactive support, and continuously upgrade the end-to-end user experience, app analytics can boost user happiness and loyalty.

8. Rapid issue detection and resolution

Error and crash analytics, session replays, and user feedback allow you to swiftly identify, diagnose, and resolve critical app issues. You can set up real-time monitoring and alerts that tell you when KPIs move below a certain threshold so you can quickly respond to problems before they make a bigger impact.

9. Optimize marketing effectiveness and customer LTV

By integrating app analytics with marketing campaign data, you can map complete user journeys to determine your highest-value acquisition channels and maximize ROI. This gives teams a more complete picture they can use to make truly informed decisions. For example, a company’s marketing data might show that Facebook ads drive high signup volume — but mobile app analytics could reveal that these users have below-average purchase rates and LTV. By connecting the dots across different contexts, they could funnel their acquisition spend towards higher-quality users with higher lifetime value.

With mobile app analytics surfacing critical KPIs, blockers, and opportunities, you gain the insights needed to validate your product strategies, swiftly course-correct when needed, and keep optimizing for sustainable product-led growth.

Implementing mobile data analytics: choosing the right tools

To begin tracking and analyzing mobile app data, you’ll need to instrument your app to capture distinct user actions, known as “events”. Everything from launching the app, clicking a button, viewing a screen, submitting a form, completing a transaction, or experiencing a crash could count as an event.

The events you decide to monitor will depend on your product and business model. For example, an e-commerce app may track events around browsing product catalogs, adding items to a cart, initiating checkout flows, and completing purchases. A gaming app might instead capture level starts, high scores, power-up uses, and in-app purchase attempts.

Historically, many teams started with all-in-one first-generation analytics tools like Amplitude, Mixpanel, and Heap. These solutions instrument your app and provide valuable out-of-the-box metrics and visualizations for mobile environments.

First-gen tools can be a good way to get started — but they also have major limitations for companies looking to get the most from their mobile app analytics as they scale.

These tools create data silos by holding your app/product data in their own black box environment, separate from your other customer and business data.
If you only look at in-app analytics, you’ll be missing a big part of the picture. What if a user churns after a frustrating support experience? Or what if a high-value customer frequently toggles between your app and website? You might even find that a significant number of cancellations happen outside your app, undermining the accuracy of solely in-app retention metrics.

Here’s how product data thought leader John Humphrey describes the problem:

You would think that if I handed you a product analytics platform, I would be excited PMs are looking at retention rate. But only half of the cancellations happened inside the product. The other half happened because somebody picked up a phone to cancel.

No events were ever created for these cancellations — and as such, our retention curves were materially misstated. That immediately starts to undermine the credibility of any first-generation tool.

With first-gen analytics solutions, if you want to get a full picture of your users’ journeys and experiences across channels, you’ll have to perform reverse ETL transformations to get the data into your warehouse, and then use business intelligence tools. That’s not just costly and time-consuming — it also means your data might be inconsistent, and introduces potential data security vulnerabilities.

Most of these tools also lack the flexibility to explore the data ad hoc, drilling down and getting answers to questions as they arise by pivoting and pulling across sources and modeling complex user journeys. They also generally charge by event volume, making them cost-prohibitive to scale as your data needs grow.

That’s why we recommend investing from the start in a modern composable data architecture built around a cloud data warehouse.

Rather than relying on limited point solutions, more and more companies are building composable data stacks using best-of-breed tools on top of cloud warehouses like Snowflake, BigQuery, or Databricks.

You can build a modular customer data platform (CDP) that scales with you, using tools like Segment, Snowplow, or RudderStack to instrument your apps and route the data streams directly to your warehouse.

Then, you’ll need a next-generation analytics platform like NetSpring that works natively off your warehoused data — app event streams but also website behaviors, marketing interactions, support tickets, delivery and fulfillment tracking, transactions, and more.

By using your data warehouse as a single source of truth, NetSpring lets product teams unlock the full potential of mobile app analytics to drive intelligent, user-centered optimization.

Elevate your mobile app analytics with a next-gen approach

Effective mobile app analytics is about more than just tracking metrics — it’s about getting a deeper understanding of your users to build app experiences that genuinely delight them. In today’s hyper-competitive mobile landscape, you can’t afford to make decisions based on incomplete data or assumptions.

That’s why future-focused product and growth teams are embracing a modern, warehouse-native approach to mobile analytics that gives you full visibility into how users experience your app and engage with your product across channels.

NetSpring’s product and customer journey analytics platform works natively on top of your data warehouse, allowing you to truly unlock the full potential of mobile app analytics and drive intelligent optimization. With NetSpring, you can:

  • Model and visualize complex multi-channel user journeys across app events, website, marketing, support interactions, transactions, and more
  • Analyze insights into high-impact conversion funnels like onboarding flows, checkouts, upgrades, etc.
  • Securely share your app analytics across teams with use case and domain-specific analytic applications and collaborative workspaces
  • Segment users into high-value cohorts based on engagement, behavioral, and revenue patterns to double down on the biggest growth opportunities
  • Enrich app event data with qualitative voice-of-customer warehouse data including survey ratings and support tickets
  • Overlay business context like pricing, inventory, logistics, and revenue details from CRMs and other systems for full customer journey visibility
  • Perform ad-hoc exploration to quickly answer new questions by pivoting across data sources and testing hypotheses
  • Set up automatic monitoring with custom alerts for critical KPIs like retention, conversion rates, load times, and crash rates.

The next generation of mobile app analytics is here. Without data silos or analytics bottlenecks, teams can get the actionable, 360-degree customer insights they need to accelerate product-led growth through exceptional experiences, every time.

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